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Tag Archives: self-love

Feminine Empowerment and Stepping Out of the “Norm” (podcast link included)

Imagine a world where…
Women celebrate each other.
Women celebrate themselves for their accomplishments.
Instead of judging feminine as weak, women celebrate the divinity of their feminine essence.
Instead of isolating and feeling alone, women have a strong sense of belonging and celebrate the […]

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How Fears of Not Enough and Being Judged Dim Our Creative Light

Are you letting your light shine, beloveds?
I recently had a conversation with a very talented woman in performing arts. She was presented with an opportunity to showcase her brilliance and immediately decided to bring other performers into the experience, thinking […]

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Why is it easier to forgive others than our own self?

Recently, I came face to face with bad decisions of my past, one in particular that opened up old wounds. I married when I was very young, not knowing who […]

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Set Yourself Free from the Opinion of Others

I always wonder why many of us give so much power to the opinion of others and why do others get to decide how we should be, speak, feel, or act?

The truth is so subjective and there is no […]

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